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Dog Skin Problems Cause Many Problems

March 17, 2012

The longer a person has a pet, they no longer consider them a pet but a part of their family. They go through great lengths to address all of their canine needs, making sure they have a healthy and happy life. Pet owners do many things to ensure they are healthy, free from sickness but sometimes they can’t be prevented. When dog skin problems occur, they are the first indicator that there is something wrong and the cause needs to be investigated.

When dog owners are familiar with their dog’s behavior, they notice when something is off. They notice when their pet is scratching, biting themselves and whining a lot more than usual. These owners take note of that because these are symptoms of dog skin problems.

One of the most common causes of dog skin problems are allergies. There are many things a dog can be allergic to, especially something in their diet. It is important that dogs be fed a balanced diet and they are getting all their vitamins and nutrients. Their diet is what supports their immune system and helps to keep their bodies healthy.

Another cause of dog skin problems may be seasonal allergies. Dogs can sometimes be sensitive to the amount of pollen, dust mites and other things that are in the air. Just as humans can be sensitive to those things, so can dogs. This is something that can be easily fixed with daily allergy medication.

Fleas can cause a number of dog skin problems. When fleas get on a dog, they bite and burrow, causing a dog to constantly scratch, bite and chew their skin to get relief. When these infected dogs continually do this to their skin, they are vulnerable to damage and infections. When a pet owner thinks their dog has fleas, it’s important to have them treated.

Not all dog owners are familiar with dog skin problems; they only notice things that their dogs don’t normally do. There are many indicators that a dog is having skin issues. Once these things are noticed, it is important to take them to a vet for treatment.

One of the most common indicators of dog skin problems is excessive scratching, licking or actual chewing of their skin. It’s not an occasional scratch fest but an all-day thing. Many times it is in the same general location. When pet owners notice this, it could be from a number of things. Pet owners should take note of this and if it goes on for more than a day or so, their pet should be seen by their veterinarian.

Diagnosing dog skin problems can be very tricky. There are many different causes so there are different ways to test for a cause. Veterinarians can test for infections in their hair or on their skin with a skin biopsy. They also look at a dog’s diet to determine if there is something that is irritating them internally. There are many other causes that can be visibly seen and treated.

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